Working at the Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop



Oberlin College

This year I became an active member of the Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop (OVMW), for which I feel grateful and proud.

The OVMW is a major event and organization in the world of violin making, with legendary figures of the field such as Christopher Germain, Bill Scott, Sam Zygmuntowicz or David Gusset. Violin makers are selected from around the world to become permanent participants. They work through the year in common projects and gather once a year at Oberlin College to finish it and compare results.

This year's meeting was a pretty intensive learning experience and a great opportunity to work together with world class makers. We all worked in specific projects, sharing ideas, techniques and feedback on each step of the process. In my case, the project was a violin that will latter be exhibited at the annual convention of the Violin Society of America.  

The project for the next year's meeting will be a viola built on a specific mould we were given. The goal is to have 50 violas built (one for each participant) that can be compared acoustically, visually and by the data recorded by each maker through the process. 

I'll be working on it shortly!